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This is Micha's Healing home page. Welcome!
ミーチャヒーリング へようこそ!!

The Reconnection™ / Reconnective Healing™
リコネクション™・リコネクティブ ヒーリング™

料金: 3,000円(1セッション15分間あたり)
2004年4月29日(みどりの日) 10:00 - 20:00

Mini-sessions at the 10th Spiritual Convention
Price for 15-minute session: ¥3,000
At the Kokusai Fashion Center - KFC Hall and KFC Hall
Annex, on April 29th, 2004, from 10:00 to 20:00
Send an e-mail to make a reservation and assure your
Don't forget to mention desired session start time!

リコネクティブ ヒーリング™:お客様の声
• 悲しみが取り除かれたように感じ、嬉しくて涙が出ました。
• 輪か円のようなエネルギーが来て、体中を移動するのを感じました。振動とぞくぞくする感じがすごくして、時々ほてりもあり、体がずっと電気で刺激されているようでした。ヒーリングの間、周りでエネルギーがずっと流れていました。左肩に強い痛みがありましたが10分後に消え、頭も耳も鼻もすっきりしました。子供のとき以来できなかったのに、鼻から楽に息ができるのに気がつきました。ヒーリングのあと、体が軽くなった感じで、すごく気分がいいです。次のセッションが待ち遠しいです!ヒーリングの前には疲れがありましたが、終わったら元気になりました。頭から霧が晴れたような感じです。

Reconnective Healing™: Testimonials
I cried with joy, feeling that all my sorrows have been removed. I felt the energy coming in like loops or circles, moving around and about my body. I felt lots of vibrations, tingling and sometimes hot flashes, the body was always flooded with electrical impulses.

During the treatment there was a constant stream of energy around me. Pain in the left shoulder was intense, after ten minutes the pain disappeared, my head became clear, also ears and nose. I noticed that I could breathe easily through my nose, which I could not do since my childhood. My body felt lighter after the treatment. It really felt good. I'm looking forward to the next session. I feel excited!

Before the treatment I felt so tired and after the treatment rejuvenated. A cloud has lifted from my head. It was like a dream! My left hand suddenly started to move without my control. It touched my forehead, then started to make circles around my face. I felt my third eye chakra open and vortex of bright light started to spiral into my head. I could see inside myself through the third eye chakra. I felt pink and white guides flying like angels around me and smiling at me. I was very comfortable and relaxed. Then both of my hands started to move without my control. I am not religious at all, so I was astonished to observe that my hands clasped together, palms touching, in a praying position, and while clasped together, they moved first to touch my chest, and then my throat and chin area. Your healing was amazing! Sooooooo good! I've got a new experience!

リコネクティブ ヒーリング™
リコネクティブ ヒーリング™は、1993年にエリック・パール博士によって紹介されてからというもの、医学界に波紋を呼びつづけています。病院や大学は、時間とお金をかけ、この奇跡的なヒーリングがなぜ可能なのか解明しようと努力しています。実際に、ガン、分娩損傷、慢性疲労症候群、脳性まひ、エイズ関連の病気が回復したという例が報告されています。リコネクティブ ヒーリング™は、新たな波動を利用して身体と精神を癒す、時に人生が変わるような体験なのです。

リコネクティブ ヒーリング?は、レイキ、Johrei(浄霊)、仁神術(Jin Shin)、気功やプラニックヒーリングとは全く違っていて、あなたがこれまで出会ったどんな方法をも超えたものです。リコネクティブ ヒーリング?の施術者は、セッションの最初に、はっきり感じとれるほどのエネルギーを起こし、そのエネルギーはセッション終了後もずっとあなたに働きかけつづけます。セッションを通して、あなたは永遠に変えられ、これまでにない高レベルの波動と調和するようになるでしょう。

料金 ・・・ 12,000円(1セッション1時間あたり)
場所 ・・・ 東京田園調布 ヒーリングルームにて / 訪問・出張もいたします
時間 ・・・ 平日 19:00以降
土日 日中のご希望の時間

Reconnective Healing™
Reconnective Healing™ has continued to baffle the medical community since its introduction in 1993 by Dr. Eric Pearl. Hospitals and universities have invested time and money in an effort to explain the miraculous healings that are occurring.

People have reported healings from cancers, birth disfigurements, chronic fatigue syndrome, cerebral palsy, and AIDS-related diseases. Reconnective Healing™ is often a life-changing experience, utilizing new frequencies to allow for the healing of the body, mind and spirit.

Vastly different from Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi Gong or Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing™ is beyond any technique you've ever encountered. These highly palpable energies are initiated by your Reconnective Healing Practitioner™ at the start of the session, and continue working with you long after your visit has ended. Through your participation in these sessions, you will be forever changed, operating at, and attuned to, a higher frequency than ever before.

"If you're lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you're really lucky, your healing will come in a form you've not even dreamed of - one which the Universe specifically has in mind for you." - Dr. Eric Pearl

Price for a 1-hour session: ¥12,000, held at a healing room in Denenchofu, Tokyo, or at your home, on workday after 19:00, on Saturday and Sunday any time during the day.





The Reconnection™ reconnects our physical meridian lines to the Universe's lines.
Originally we all had 12 strands of DNA which wove us into Universe. Now, as we function on two or fewer strands, most people perceive themselves as separate from Creation. The Reconnection™ regenerates these dormant strands of DNA, and ties us back into the Universe and its meridian lines (also called axiatonal lines). These "new" axiatonal lines allow one to channel higher frequencies of Living Light for regeneration and renewal of body, mind, and spirit. They also raise our vibrations so that we are able to maintain the higher frequencies, enabling us to reconnect to all of Creation and Universal Consciousness.

These "new" lines, as brought in by The Reconnection™ are part of the fifth dimensional circulatory system which combines color and sound, and draws upon fifth dimensional energy for the renewal and regeneration functions of the human body, mind and spirit. Originally the meridian lines (also called acupuncture lines) on our bodies were connected to the grid lines which encircle the planet and cross at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected from these lines. The Reconnection? actually reconnects one back to the Universe's meridian lines.

This is a two session process, each session consisting of approximately 35 to 50 minutes. The sessions should be between 24 hours and 72 hours apart.

Pricing for The Reconnection™ process is ¥33,300. This fee covers both sessions, held at healing room in Denenchofu, Tokyo, or at your home, on workday after 19:00, on Saturday and Sunday any time during the day.

If you would like to have a healing session, you can send me an email.
You can call me on my mobile phone: 080-3028-7947
Or you can send a fax: +81-3-5310-3587.




リコネクティブ ヒーリング™、リコネクション™の公認プラクティショナー
Certified Practitioner of Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™


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